A Private School Experience in a Public School Setting


Regular communication with parents, guardians, and the Lyme-Old Lyme community are one of the keys to student success at Lyme-Old Lyme Schools. Our website, school newsletters, and various tools allow us to communicate effectively and efficiently. 

District Communications

  • Focus on Education is the district-wide newsletter of the Superintendent and Board of Education. It is mailed to residents quarterly, and is also available on our website.
  • A one-page Board of Education update, including upcoming meeting dates, is distributed monthly with school newsletters and can also be found at the Old Lyme Library, Old Lyme Town Hall, Lyme Library, and Lyme Town Hall.
  • ParentSquare is used to send out district-wide information such as school closings.
  • Board of Education meetings are streamed on our YouTube channel. Past meetings are also available for viewing.
  • Our website includes an abundance of information about both the district and individual schools. Calendars, lunch menus, job opportunities, an employee directory, Board of Education meeting dates and minutes, and more can be found on our site.
  • Highlights of school activities are shared via social media.

Lyme-Old Lyme Schools



  • Parent-Teacher handbooks are consistently updated throughout the school year to be reflective of any policy changes. A link is sent to families at the beginning of each school year highlighting any significant changes. Handbooks are also available on each school’s website.
  • ParentSquare is used to distribute weekly newsletters for each school as well as to send out routine and emergency information.
  • Each school website includes contact information, calendars, announcements, school procedures, schedules and more.

Center School
Lyme School
Mile Creek School
Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School
Lyme-Old Lyme High School





  • Teachers use ParentSquare to post and send direct messages to families. Teachers may also email or call parents directly as needed.
  • Grades and attendance information for middle and high school students are posted in PowerSchool.
  • Paper report cards are sent home with elementary school students three times per year.
  • Students use ClassLink to access digital applications and websites used for learning.



  • Download the ParentSquare app. Register and set your notification and language preferences.  
  • Familiarize yourself with the district and school websites. Bookmark them for easy access and visit them regularly.
  • Set up your student’s account on PowerSchool to view grades and attendance information, and to update emergency contacts and health information.
  • Read school and district newsletters.
  • Follow Board of Education activities. Attendance at board meetings is welcome.