Grievance Procedures for Section 504, Title IX, and Title VII Regulations
It is the policy of Regional School District 18 (Lyme-Old Lyme Public Schools) to maintain a learning and working environment that is free of any form of discrimination and harassment. (Note: harassment is a form of discrimination.) Students, staff, volunteers or other non-school personnel within the school environment may file a complaint in the event of an alleged discrimination and/or harassment incident. All information shall be kept as confidential as possible while conducting a thorough investigation.
Student/Student Incidents
The building administrator(s) are designated to receive complaints. Students may file complaints by notifying the building administrator(s), school psychologist, counselor, nurse or teacher. If the incident is not resolved informally or the alleged perpetrator is the administrator, complaints should be filed with the building Equity Officer (LOLHS – Director of School Counseling; LOLMS – School Psychologist; Center School –School Psychologist; Lyme Consolidated – School Psychologist; Mile Creek – School Psychologist).
Adult/Adult Incidents
The building administrator(s) are designated to receive complaints. The Superintendent of Schools may also be notified at their discretion. If the incident is not resolved informally or the alleged perpetrator is the administrator, complaints should be filed with the district Equity Officer (Athletic Director).
Adult/Student Incidents
The building administrator(s) are designated to receive complaints. Students may file complaints by notifying the building administrator(s), school psychologist, counselor, nurse or teacher. The building administrator, Superintendent of Schools, the district’s Equity Officer, and the student’s parents will be notified of the alleged incident. Parents will be informed of their right to be present during the student’s interview.
❖ Level 1 – The complainant shall discuss the alleged act with the building administrator and/or building Equity Officer. If the resolution is unsatisfactory to the complainant, the procedure will follow subsequent levels. If the resolution is unsatisfactory to the alleged party, the individual shall request in writing a review by the district’s Equity Officer.
❖ Level 2 – The complainant shall complete a Discrimination and/or Harassment Report Form and file it with the district’s Equity Officer. Within ten (10) school days, the complaint must be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties or referred to the Superintendent of Schools (Level 3).
Level 3 – Within ten (10) school days the Superintendent of Schools must hold a hearing, negotiate a solution and/or render his decision.
❖ Level 4 – In the event that the complaint has not been resolved to the satisfaction of both parties, the Superintendent of Schools will notify the Board of Education who, with the Superintendent and the district Equity Officer, shall proceed in accordance with legal Statutes.
Investigation Process
The investigation may consist of personal interviews with the complainant, the individual against whom the complaint is filed, or other persons who the investigator has reason to believe may have witnessed the incident or have knowledge of the circumstances related to the complaint. In addition, documents deemed pertinent to the investigation may be reviewed. In determining whether the alleged conduct constitutes discrimination and/or harassment and resolving the complaint, the investigator shall consider circumstances and context, relationships between the parties, the nature of the alleged incident and previous history of complaints. Both parties shall be notified in writing of the results of the investigation and any disciplinary action.
If there is reasonable cause to indicate that the discrimination and/or harassment has occurred, the district will take action to ensure that the harassment ceases and does not recur. The district may take immediate action during the investigation to protect the complainant or other persons as deemed necessary. In addition, the district will also take steps to protect any person reporting or participating in the investigation against possible retaliation. False accusations will be treated severely.
Persons wishing to discuss, report, or file a complaint should contact an administrator or building Equity Officer:
LOLHS – Director of School Counselor: 860-434-1651
LOLMS – School Psychologist: 860-434-2568
Center School – School Psychologist: 860-434-0487
Lyme Consolidated – School Psychologist: 860-434-1233
Mile Creek – School Psychologist: 860-434-2209
District Equity Officer – Athletic Director: 860-434-1651