A Private School Experience in a Public School Setting


The Lyme-Old Lyme Public School System is proud of its curriculum development process and its end product: an exemplary educational experience for our students.

49 Lyme Street
Old Lyme, CT 06371
(T) 860-434-7238
(F) 860-434-9959

Michelle Dean
Director of Curriculum
Email: deanm@region18.org

Christine MacDonald
Email: macdonaldc@region18.org


Our curriculum (the subject matter to be taught) is collaboratively developed and clearly outlines expectations for student learning. Curriculum is based on state and national frameworks and articulates student outcomes for each level. Common student assessments ensure consistent expectations throughout the district.

A District-wide Curriculum Steering Committee oversees curriculum development and reviews new initiatives under consideration. Curricular excellence is based on national and state-level expectations in conjunction with feedback from parents, teachers, students and other community members. Based on this community feedback, the Steering Committee focuses on five Hallmarks of Excellence for the District:

        (1)  Vertical and Horizontal Alignment of Curriculum
        (2)  Technology Integration across the K-12 Curriculum
        (3)  Enhanced K-12 Science Opportunities
        (4)  Implementation of Elementary School Foreign Language Program
        (5)  Ensured Academic Enrichment and Differentiated Instruction


Teams of teachers and administrators review and update curriculum for every subject area on an ongoing basis. Each subject area completes a curriculum review cycle over the course of five years. All curriculum development is based on a standardized process and its documentation is developed using a common template and published on the District's internal network. In this way, any educator within the District can have access to any curriculum (regardless of grade level and subject area) further ensuring that all educators are working toward a common set of goals.

Each educator within the District brings his or her own method of teaching to the classroom. However, it is a district expectation that all teachers adhere to the district curriculum and uphold common expectations for student learning.


Communication between school and home is a significant district-wide initiative. At the district and school level, there are updated websites, weekly and monthly newsletters, and a myriad of classroom communication initiatives. Additionally, we see parents’ and students’ feedback regarding the effectiveness of various building level programs as a critical component to our overall success. We encourage feedback via parent conferences, e-mail, surveys and numerous community outreach initiatives.